Even though Film is my big passion, I have been admiring theatre all my life, participating in numerous performances as an actor, storywriter, and director. I am particularly influenced by theatre theorist and director Robert Wilson whom I met and interviewed in Epidaurus during his 2019 “Oedipus” play. I was influenced by several of his aspects of work but especially by lighting. He quoted that "Without light there's no space. Light is not an afterthought, it's something that's architectural, its structure, it's thought about from the beginning, it's part of the book, it's like an actor. So, it's not a decoration."  While making my first experimental films I think I was highly influenced by the journey I was undertaking in theatre. It helped me develop skills such as working in a team, lead actors, working with space, light, and body movement. In “The Net” I use several one-shot scenes that work through several illusions and techniques that can be found in theatre. The difference is that in cinema, there are infinite possibilities to where the “stage” can be and the visual and acoustic material that a filmmaker can deliver has so many capabilities that its yet to be discovered. 

Below are some of my theater projects. Excluding several performances as an actor
Macbeth Solo Performance
Inspired by Robert Wilson
Director, Actor

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